No Wear

We exist beyond the linear experience of space and time; where there is no set terminology or conceptualisation that may intend to categorise us. We exist in the embodiment of our practice, within the essence of the true sense of Self, inside the dialogue of the transcendent and the imminent life, within entanglement. Our practice draws breath from no explanations, it lives within itself and for itself alone as it does not need language to advocate on its behalf.
Devoid of misleading implications we come to observe the Self through tangible meditations that arise from dialogues of Self (disembodied embodiment) and No-Self or 𝚂̶𝚎̶𝚕̶𝚏̶ (embodied disembodiment).
We exist not through the physicality that encapsulates us but through what lies within it as a pulsating life force that manifests as true creative power. This is the practice of the transcendence of the body into pure Consciousness through the most authentic embodiment of the body vessel—one that cannot be explained as it remains rooted in its own experience. Disembodiment through Embodiment. We manifest from the nobody-space of ultimate freedom that arises from beyond the body-mind. Unconcealing the layers of the Self and allowing creative manifestation to flourish only when unconcealment is the one thing that prevails.
The whole essence of the practice is based in disclosing—as we illuminate the connection between the manifestation of the process of Being and the impermanence of the Being that unravels within this.
Text and image by Natalia Esteve (𝚂̶𝚎̶𝚕̶𝚏̶)RCA FASHION MA 2021 alumni network.
Image Credit: Shurong Yang