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[TEXTILES] Join + Stitch: Saturday 1 July

Saturday 1 July 13:00 (GMT +0)  LIVE from RCA

InteractivenessTextilesSchool of DesignTextiles (MA)Kensington campus: Darwin Building

Practical workshop delivered by textile graduate Zoë Daley.

Estimated Duration: 2 hours
Location: Textiles Studio, 7th Floor, Darwin Building, Kensington Campus
Use the Eventbrite link above to register

Developed from her practical research into modular clothing construction, Zoë will be leading a stitch workshop exploring various hand-led joining methods.

Zoë uses these various stitches to compose her modular outfits, created using versatile knitted panels as her base, aiming to disrupt unsustainable fashion production and consumption methods

Suitable for both beginners and more advanced sewing skills, these stitch joining methods will be explored in detail one stitch at a time, with a guide participants can take home. Participants will be invited to select textiles knitted by Zoë to stitch together to create an ‘odd quilt’ of exciting textures. The resulting collaborative pieces will be integrated into the exhibited works and ultimately form new modular fashion looks for ‘the modular project’, a collaborative art and fashion experiment led and devised by Zoë.

The main goal of the workshop is to have fun exploring these diverse textiles whilst collaborating with Zoë on this ongoing project. The joining techniques taught aim to reframe sustainability within fashion and to encourage participants to think more about the possibilities of a ‘diy’ modular clothing approach.

Featured in Theme: Interactiveness