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[IED] In-In-In-In-Instagram

Friday 30 June 14:00 (GMT +0)

InteractivenessInformation Experience DesignSchool of CommunicationInformation Experience Design (MA)

Instagram Live-in-Instagram Live-in-Instagram Live-in-Instagram Live-in-Instagram Live.

Location: Kensington Campus
Use the Eventbrite link above to register

Instagram has established itself as one of the most widely used platforms in today's digital landscape, effectively dominating the entire web ecosystem. Its influence can be likened to that of a prime physical location in Central London, but in the virtual realm, Instagram serves as a valuable online space. Operating as an online commercial platform, Instagram's model can be compared to that of a real estate business. Among its various functionalities, Instagram Live holds the position of being the "prime location," occupying a fixed spot at the very left among stories. This feature is extensively utilized by commercial platforms, particularly fashion brands, to livestream their events and engage with their audience.

Despite its commercial potential, many of our users are hesitant to use the live feature due to its contradiction with the current metaphysics and mechanisms of Instagram usage. The essence of a live stream is to captivate viewers every second, ensuring that even those who rapidly skim through stories stay engaged and watch continuously. Time is directly correlated with attention, and attention is highly valuable.

So, how do we tackle this challenge? We propose taking a radically different approach to the conventional live stream concept. Rather than aiming for a live experience that is fun, interesting, and commercial, filled with storytelling and narrative, we aim for a deliberately dull approach. We invite participants to simply live stream their phone screens, repeatedly capturing the live stream itself. The resulting video becomes abstract, lacking commercial appeal and interest. There is no narrative, only an infinite, repetitive cycle. The content of the Instagram live stream is what was being streamed 10 seconds ago, showcasing what was streamed 20 seconds ago, 30 seconds ago, 40 seconds ago, and so on. There is no real context, storytelling, or narrative present, intentionally designed to lose the interest of anyone attempting to watch it.

Thus, participating in this unconventional approach requires a certain level of courage to go against the metaphysics and mechanisms that underlie the Instagram live experience. It challenges the notion that a live stream should showcase the best and most interesting aspects of one's or a brand's life. By creating an infinite cycle of live-being-live-being-lived, we subvert the conventional metaphysics and mechanisms of Instagram live streams - Who are ready to sacrifice their chance to get attention and followers in the trade of being part of the art performance?

Presenter & Guests: Jeanyoon Choi
Featured in Theme: Interactiveness